Welcome to the
future of tipping

Bepo is a simple way to accept digital tips when customers don't have cash.

Google PayApple Pay

Welcome to the future of tipping

Easily accept digital tips, from any payment platform, deposited directly to your bank.

iPhone with Yoga instructor

Cashless Tipping

People don't carry cash anymore. Tippers can pay with Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay, CashApp, Credit Cards and more without downloading an app!

Free Signup
Delivery Driver
Yoga Instructor

Connect with Tippers

Tipping is a social interaction. Your Bepo profile lets you share your story and stay connected to encourage future tipping.

Get Free Account

All your tips in one place

Side hustle or full-time gig, it doesn't matter. Bepo makes it easy to collect and track all your tips with just one account.

Get Free Account

Your Tip Dashboard

Track Everything

Know how much you've been tipped, schedule payouts, share tips with co-workers, track your ratings & followers.

Engage Tippers

Get feedback from your tippers and connect with them through your profile and savings goals.

Driver Dashboard
It's easy to get started with digital tipping!

How it Works


Create your free Bepo profile in 30 seconds to begin accepting tips.


No app needed. Customers scan your QR code and tip you using the payment method they prefer (Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo, Visa, CashApp etc).


Feedback is important! Customers can rate and review the service you provided.


Time to get the car fixed or buy yourself a treat! Pay those tips out to your bank account or debit card.


Tippers follow you (if you allow) to stay connected and receive promotional and marketing messages from you.

Receive a FREE QR Code Tipping Kit!

Create an account with Bepo and we'll send you a FREE QR Code tipping kit, that you can use immediately with customers in-person to start collecting digital tips!

QR Code Tipping Kit


Is Bepo for individuals or businesses?

Bepo was created for individuals, people who do things that customers like to tip for, and designed for Businesses to enable Bepo for their workers. Our goal is to get people more tips for the great service they are already providing.

Whether you're a barber, a musician, a garbage collector, a ride-share driver, a streamer or do any job where customers appreciate good service, Bepo is for you.

If you employ and empower people who receive tips, Bepo is for your business. Learn more.

How does Bepo get me more tips?

We don't carry cash anymore so its awkward when we want to tip for great service. Bepo allows tippers to tip you from their phone using the payment method they want!

How does Bepo work?

The tipper scans your QR code to visit your profile (like this one) to tip you. They choose whatever payment method they want, like Paypal, Venmo, Apple Pay or a Credit Card. The tip goes into your Bepo account. You can pay your tips out to your bank account or debit card. You can also share/pool tips (for free) with your co-workers who are also using Bepo. To encourage repeat tips you can use your profile to share your story and your savings goals.

Can I use Bepo for my side-hustle?

Yes! You can use Bepo to accepts tips playing for your band, selling food at the farmer's market or cutting people's hair at the weekend, basically anywhere you provide great service.

Can I use Bepo at work?

Yes! Your personal Bepo account works with Bepo Business accounts. Your work doesn't have a Bepo account? No problem, have them check out the great features of Bepo Business.

How much does Bepo cost?

Bepo accounts are free. We charge a 1% fee on top of the payment processor fee.

What's a payment processor?

Payment processors are often credit card companies. When we buy something with a credit card the person we buy from pays the credit card company a percentage of the payment to be able to accept the credit card payment. The payment processor sets the fee percentage.